4.11 Issue a Purchase Requisition
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04.1 Purchase Requisition

Purchase Requisition is an internal document to replenish your stock, a part of an approval system, before a purchase order is issued out by the purchaser. It can also be used as a request for quote to your supplier before you agreed on the quantity and unit cost, there upon, you issue a Purchase order based on the agreed quantity and cost
  • 4.11 Issue a Purchase Requisition

    06/13/2022 | 03:26

    Learn how to issue a purchase requisition to your purchase department for their approval or issue a Request for quote to your supplier. Upon approval, sent the PR to purchase order

    4.11 Issue a Purchase Requisition

    Created 06/13/2022
  • 4.12 Purchase requisition - reject or approve

    05/02/2022 | 01:15

    If you are in charge of purchasing , learn how to reject or approve a purchase requisition, after which, link to purchase order to the supplier

    4.12 Purchase requisition - reject or approve

    Created 05/02/2022
  • 4.13 Purchase Requisition - Void or reject stock quantity

    06/13/2022 | 02:00

    Learn how to void or reject a stock quantity in a purchase requisition note

    4.13 Purchase Requisition - Void or reject stock quantity

    Created 06/13/2022
  • 4.11 Issue a Purchase Requisition
    06/13/2022 | 03:26
    4.11 Issue a Purchase Requisition
    03:26 >

  • 4.12 Purchase requisition - reject or approve
    05/02/2022 | 01:15
    4.12 Purchase requisition - reject or approve
    01:15 >

  • 4.13 Purchase Requisition - Void or reject stock quantity
    06/13/2022 | 02:00
    4.13 Purchase Requisition - Void or reject stock quantity
    02:00 >