3.31 How to issue a Customer Delivery Order
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03.3 Customer Delivery Order (CDO)

Learn how to issue a delivery order to your customer prior to issuing the invoice.
  • 3.31 How to issue a Customer Delivery Order

    02/17/2021 | 03:55

    if your company practice delivery before issue an invoice, learn how to issue a customer delivery order(s) and later learn how to link delivery order(s) to an invoice

    3.31 How to issue a Customer Delivery Order

    Created: 02/17/2021
  • 3.32 Customer delivery order with multiple addresses

    06/27/2022 | 02:25

    Learn how to issue a delivery order to customer with multiple delivery addresses

    3.32 Customer delivery order with multiple addresses

    Created: 06/27/2022
  • 3.32 Print DO without price


    Learn how to print a customer delivery order with or without price

    3.32 Print DO without price

  • 3.33 Print DO with price


    Learn how to print customer delivery order with price

    3.33 Print DO with price

  • 3.34 Print outstanding customer DO against Invoice


    Learn how to print outstanding DO against customer invoice for goods delivered but not billed yet.

    3.34 Print outstanding customer DO against Invoice

  • Reset your customer Delivery Order number

    09/19/2020 | 01:10

    Learn how to reset customer DO number

    Reset your customer Delivery Order number

    Created: 09/19/2020
  • 3.32 Create DO from a single Sales Order

    11/04/2013 | 01:57

    Link from Sales order when goods is due for delivery.

    3.32 Create DO from a single Sales Order

    Created: 11/04/2013
  • 3.30 Overview

    11/06/2013 | 01:40

    Learn the various issues in issuing Delivery order

    3.30 Overview

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • 3.35 Link 1 DO to 1 Customer Invoice

    11/06/2013 | 02:01

    Learn how to generate a customer invoice from one delivery order

    3.35 Link 1 DO to 1 Customer Invoice

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • 3.05 Link a confirmed quotation to sales order followed by a delivery order

    10/02/2020 | 02:49

    A DO to customer can be triggered by their earlier confirmed quotation when it is due for delivery. Learn how to link the quotation to sales order followed by the delivery order

    3.05 Link a confirmed quotation to sales order followed by a delivery order

    Created: 10/02/2020
  • 3.33 Create Multiple DO from 1 Sales order

    11/04/2013 | 06:18

    Learn how to make multiple Delivery orders from a single sales order

    3.33 Create Multiple DO from 1 Sales order

    Created: 11/04/2013
  • 3.34 Create a DO from 2 or more Sales Order

    11/04/2013 | 02:41

    If 2 sales order are to be delivered on the same date, you can link each sales order into one single delivery order.

    3.34 Create a DO from 2 or more Sales Order

    Created: 11/04/2013
  • 3.37 Consignment Note to Customer

    11/06/2013 | 02:34

    Issue a Delivery Order to customer for consignment goods

    3.37 Consignment Note to Customer

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • 3.38 One Do to many Customer Invoices

    11/06/2013 | 07:08

    Learn how to issue invoice of partial delivery order or consignment note

    3.38 One Do to many Customer Invoices

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • 3.39 Relevant features

    11/06/2013 | 02:16

    To control billing with DO or without DO

    3.39 Relevant features

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • Effect of stock movement from DO to invoice

    11/06/2013 | 04:11

    Understand how system update stock balances due to different document date

    Effect of stock movement from DO to invoice

    Created: 11/06/2013
  • 3.31 How to issue a Customer Delivery Order
    02/17/2021 | 03:55
    3.31 How to issue a Customer Delivery Order
    03:55 >

  • 3.32 Customer delivery order with multiple addresses
    06/27/2022 | 02:25
    3.32 Customer delivery order with multiple addresses
    02:25 >

  • 3.32 Print DO without price
    3.32 Print DO without price
    01:29 >

  • 3.33 Print DO with price
    3.33 Print DO with price
    00:41 >

  • 3.34 Print outstanding customer DO against Invoice
    3.34 Print outstanding customer DO against Invoice
    00:45 >

  • Reset your customer Delivery Order number
    09/19/2020 | 01:10
    Reset your customer Delivery Order number
    01:10 >

  • 3.32 Create DO from a single Sales Order
    11/04/2013 | 01:57
    3.32 Create DO from a single Sales Order
    01:57 >

  • 3.30 Overview
    11/06/2013 | 01:40
    3.30 Overview
    01:40 >

  • 3.35 Link 1 DO to 1 Customer Invoice
    11/06/2013 | 02:01
    3.35 Link 1 DO to 1 Customer Invoice
    02:01 >

  • 3.05 Link a confirmed quotation to sales order followed by a delivery order
    10/02/2020 | 02:49
    3.05 Link a confirmed quotation to sales order followed by a delivery order
    02:49 >

  • 3.33 Create Multiple DO from 1 Sales order
    11/04/2013 | 06:18
    3.33 Create Multiple DO from 1 Sales order
    06:18 >

  • 3.34 Create a DO from 2 or more Sales Order
    11/04/2013 | 02:41
    3.34 Create a DO from 2 or more Sales Order
    02:41 >

  • 3.37 Consignment Note to Customer
    11/06/2013 | 02:34
    3.37 Consignment Note to Customer
    02:34 >

  • 3.38 One Do to many Customer Invoices
    11/06/2013 | 07:08
    3.38 One Do to many Customer Invoices
    07:08 >

  • 3.39 Relevant features
    11/06/2013 | 02:16
    3.39 Relevant features
    02:16 >

  • Effect of stock movement from DO to invoice
    11/06/2013 | 04:11
    Effect of stock movement from DO to invoice
    04:11 >